

Rabu, 05 September 2012

" Madura Island " In English Review

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Madura madukara derived from the word, the name of a god who was riding the cow which is jelamaan of the god Vishnu. Madukara was formerly deserted island without masters, mostly barren land into fertile top of dexterity and patience daughter Ayu Koneng government.
Putri Ayu Koneng Hindu. He likes to meditate and eat leaves and fruits. While the drink is made of turmeric and ginger seruas thumb that are put together. One time during the period of his hermitage, the princess dreamed of meeting the deity Vishnu, who gave him the gift of a baby in the womb Princess Koneng, This then makes him restless and agitated. Pregnant without a husband is a disgrace for him. He thought if the pregnancy was heard by the king, who was also his father the king bracelets. When hearing her pregnancy, the king became angry. In fact he did not want to know that the innocent is not his daughter. Kingdom bracelets itself is located in an area that remit includes Lamongan Gresik, Tuban, Edge Galuh (Surabaya). With the persuasion of the empress, then luluhlah heart of the king. Then the king said to his daughter was ostracized from his realm.
"O commander!," Cried the king. "I titahkan you brought my daughter out of the bracelets. And do not let her pregnancy was heard by my people, and then you come back to me "command of the king on his guard. After a long the way, on the edge of a beach the commander and the deputy saw the island of homeless. It was there and then the princess exiled.
But the commander felt sorry for the princess. Commander of the king's maker. In fact he brought his relatives to accompany the princess on the island. Princess koneng island Madukara name is none other than an adored figure of the god Vishnu. However, due to the tongue of the rigid at that time, the name madukara to Madura. Gradually, as many people who feel Ibah hello to the princess, many hijras people to the island. There juaga new pedatang from china and india live in pualu it!, The princess of land dividing the island of Madura with the commander. Bangkalan ground commander is empowered to become duke Bangkalan, daughter koneng build his empire in lacquer with royal names Nepa!. In rainy season the daughter entered the race racing cows pull a plow. This is a surefire way to enrich the soil and after the new land planted with rice, corn, etc..
Competition cow racing, then became a tradition of the nobility Madura. In its heyday, Nepa empire extending his rule until Situbondo, Bondowoso, Jember, Lumajang, and partly with the help of Duke Bangkalan Probolinggo. At one time royal bracelets attacked by other kingdoms. And sent the commander to ask for help Nepa king awareness bracelets.
How was royal Nepa still has blood kinship. And with the help of the king of Nepa, royal bracelets can be maintained. Coming home from the war arena, King Nepa thinks otherwise, he has big plans to seize the rings. because he think with that he was more right than his uncle on the royal power. Sounds like another bersautan, with the vibrant spirit of the army be established desire to conquer the king of kings bracelets. Bertambahlah Nepa power to Tuban, Lamongan, Gresik.
Not long from the rule in these bracelets, with the help of another royal uncle King Nepa behind the attack. Feeling stuck and tired army, knew that he would lose against his uncle. The king Nepa asked the guards to rescue the royal family to the area Sumenep. He also asked if there was news that he had died on the battlefield, the Queen and the royal guards immediately burn istanah Nepe. This has become the philosophy of the Madurese who reads "bone white better than the white of the eye." Nepa End of empire is estimated to occur in the year 1266.
Madura is the name of the island located in the northeast of East Java. Madura magnitude approximately 5250 km2 (smaller than the island of Bali), with a population of about 4 million people.

Location Madura Island
Madura is divided into four districts, namely:
1. Bangkalan
2. Sampang
3. Pamekasan
4. Sumenep
This island includes the province of East Java and has a number of motor vehicle itself, the "M".
Politically, Madura for centuries been a subordinate local authority based in Java. Around AD 900-1500, the island was under the influence of the eastern Javanese Hindu kingdom of Kediri, Singhasari, and Majapahit. In between 1500 and 1624, the rulers of Madura to some extent dependent on the Islamic kingdoms in the north coast of Java, like Demak, Gresik and Surabaya. In 1624, Madura conquered by Mataram. After that, the first half of the eighteenth century Madura under Dutch colonial rule (from 1882), first by the VOC, then the Dutch East Indies government. At the time of the division of the province in the 1920's, Madura became part of the province of East Java.
Overall, including Madura one of the poorest in the province of East Java [2]. Unlike Java, Madura soil less fertile enough to be used as a farm. Other limited economic opportunities has led to unemployment and poverty. These factors have resulted in long-term emigration of so many current Madura Madurese people do not live in Madura. Residents Madura including most transmigration program participants.
Subsistence agriculture (small scale to survive) is the main economic activity. Maize and cassava are the main crops in subsistence agriculture in Madura, scattered in many small holdings. Cattle are also an important part of the agricultural economy of the island and provide additional income for family farmers is important for activities other than karapan cows. Small-scale fisheries are also important in the subsistence economy there.
Crop cultivation is the most commercially in Madura tobacco. Land on the island of Madura, as this helps to make important producer of tobacco and clove cigarettes for the domestic industry. Since the Dutch colonial era, Madura has also become a major producer and exporter of salt.
Bangkalan located at the western end of Madura has undergone industrialization since the 1980s. The area is easily accessible from Surabaya, Indonesia's second largest city, and thus plays a suburb for commuters into the city, and as an industrial location and services needed close to Surabaya. Longest bridge that has been in operation since June 10, 2009, is expected to increase interaction with the regional economic Bangkalan area.
Madura is famous for its culture Karapan cow.

Karapan cows in Pamekasan, Madura.

List of figures Sakera

Sakera is a born fighter legend Bangil in Pasuruan, Indonesia. He fought against Dutch colonialism around the beginning of the 19th century. Sakera sadalah a local hero, who defied a dictator Dutch Bangil sugar plantation in the area. Sakera whiz-whiz as well as other areas Dutch captured after being betrayed by one of his own. He was buried in the Bekacak, Village Kolursari, the area south of the town Bangil. Madura bloody hero legend is very popular in East Java.
Sakera was a hero who was born in the village Raci Bangil City, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia. He fought against Dutch colonialism in the early 19th century. Sakera sadalah a local hero against the Dutch colonialists in sugarcane plantations Mas Bangil hare. Bangil bloody hero legend is very popular in East Java and Madura especially in Pasuruan.
History Sakera

Sakera real name Sadiman who works as a foreman at a sugar plantation owned sugar mills Mas Bangil deer. He is known as a foreman for a kind and very concerned about the welfare of the workers to dubbed Mr. Sakera. One day after the milling season is finished, the sugar factory requires a lot of new land to plant sugar cane. Because the interests of the Dutch company's ambitious leadership wants to buy plantation area-wide with cheap-price murahnya.Dengan cunning way the Dutch were ordered to strip Apex can provide new land for the company in the short term and cheap, and by promising raise the expectations of wealth and riches to strip Apex willing to fulfill that desire. Carik Apex uses violent means to the people of the land sought for the company. Sakera see this injustice try always to defend the people and the many failed attempts to strip Rembang. Carik Rembang report this to corporate leaders. Corporate leaders angry and sent his deputy Mark to kill Sakera. One day at the plantation workers were resting, Markus angry and punish the workers as well as challenging Sakera. Sakera that a report it is angry and kill Mark and guard in the garden cane. Since then Sakera become fugitives Dutch Government. Once when Sakera visiting his mother's house, where he was beaten by police and Dutch Rembang strips. Because the mother was threatened with death Sakera then Sakera ahirnya surrender, Sakera Bangil in jail. Torment by Dutch police torture to Sakera every day. for jailed Pak Sakera always missed by family at his home, Sakera have a very beautiful wife named Marlena and a nephew named Brodin. Unlike Sakera with big hearts, Brodin is a mischievous boy who likes to gamble and secretly eyeing Sakera wife Marlena. Brodin repeatedly attempted to close to Marlena. While there Sakera prison, Brodin managed affair with Marlena. When the news reached the ears Sakera Sakera angry and escapes from prison. Brodin was killed Sakera. Then Mr. Sakera revenge is consecutive, starting Carik Rembang killed, followed by a purge officials who extort people's estates. Even the police chief Bangil was hacked by hand with his trademark weapon 'sickle' when trying to catch Sakera. By the devious Dutch police also went to a friend seperguruan Sakera named Aziz to seek Pak Sakera weaknesses. With the lure of riches will be rewarded by the Dutch Government in Bangil Aziz Sakera trap by holding tayuban, knowing Sakera most happy event tayuban Sakera finally was caught and overpowered knowledge degan punch [[bamboo lear]]. Again, the Dutch succeeded Mr. Sakera mernangkap back later tried by the Government and it was decided to Bangil hanged. Sakera fall Bangil hanged in prison and he was buried in Bekacak, Kolursari Village (the area south of the city Bangil).

There stroller, kenong, gongs, drums, flute, barrels, and other traditional musical instruments. In each instrument, one man stood drummers that number could reach twenties whole people or more. Each instrument is mounted on a stroller that has a variety of shapes and colors. And those who stood menabuhnya walk in the stroller with the hole at the bottom. That music Ul Daul, new music typical of Madura.
Certainly no one knows when Ul Daul was formed and where it originated where original music, whether or Sumenep Pamekasan. Music is known only emerging five years. Starting from the street music group whose activities are waking people at night, especially in the month of fasting.
Subsequent developments, the instruments used and start growing improved with a better design. First, as a musical instrument drum bass work, the material used plastic container barrels of fish fed ex truck tire rubber. While kenong that have sound gerincing made from the cut sheet metal and arranged in hollow logs. Other tools such as a hollowed bamboo drums a bit on the side.
At first the music was not using a stroller. The musicians bring their own instrument. However, since a few years ago made the train but to also increase the ease of this exotic percussion. The design is diverse, ranging from dragons, peacocks, chickens ranged, and others. Exoticism stroller is growing as the drummer wearing uniforms. Uniforms were selected from typical local color elements, such as custom clothing and dress Sakera.
Music is usually performed on festive occasions such as mantenan, circumcision, khotmil qur'an, celebration increases class, Agustusan, and so on. Not only in Madura music also appeared in an official ceremony in the state as well as several events abroad. Yes, despite emerging yet been able to go international.
Daul Ul characterized, music and of course the smart stroller. So, some time ago Pamekasan want to patent this music as one of the musical wealth of the typical Madura. Today, the number has Daul Ul music very much. They are mostly spread in three districts, namely Sumenep, Pamekasan and Sampang. The emergence of these groups are supported by the growing proliferation of pilot events that melombakan music.
To be able to watch Ul Daul people have to spend a sum of around Rp. 1-1.5 million.
Prominent Origin Madura
Prominent Legend
Adi Poday, Panembahan Blingi second son, Ario Palangjiwo holds a legendary figure who likes to meditate and do spiritual marriage with Potre Koneng and dkaruniai two children namely Jokotole and Jokowedi
Potre Koneng, aka Goddess Saini grandson of Prince Bukabu in Sumenep
Jokotole first child and marriage Adi poday Potre koneng found white bulls were fed in a cowshed belonging MPU Kelleng who eventually became his stepfather. The place where there is a cowshed later became the name of this village in the Village Pekandangan daesah.
Kelleng MPU, a blacksmith from the village Pekandangan District Bluto Sumenep
Sakera: is a local hero, who defied a dictator Dutch Bangil sugar plantation in the area, which was eventually sentenced to death by the colonial Dutch.
To the vanished
Prominent kingdom
Central Prince 1592-1621. Brother of:
Prince Mas 1621-1624
Prince Praseno prince Ningrat I Tjokro in 1624-1647. Children of Central and father of:
Prince Tjokro in Ningrat II 1647-1707, Panembahan 1705. Father of:
Raden Temenggong Sosro in Ningrat Prince Tjokro in Ningrat III 1707-1718. Brother of:
Raden Temenggong Suro in Ningrat Prince Tjokro Ningrat IV in 1718-1736. Father of:
Raden Duke Sejo Adi Ningrat I Panembahan Tjokro in Ningrat V 1736-1769. Grandfather of:
Raden Duke Sejo Adi Ningrat II Panembahan Duke Tjokro in Ningrat VI 1769-1779
Duke Panembahan Tjokro in Ningrat VII 1779-1815, Sultan 1808-1815 Bangkalan. Children of Tjokro in Ningrat V and Father of:
Tjokro in Ningrat VIII, Sultan Bangkalan 1815-1847. Brother of:
Panembahan Tjokro in Ningrat IX, Sultan Bangkalan 1847-1862. Father of:
Panembahan Tjokro in Ningrat X, Sultan Bangkalan 1862-1882.
Raden Aria Wiraraaja: is: Founder of work Majapahit
Prominent Ulema / Kyai
KH.Syaikhona Kholil: NU founding principal architect Madura cleric, the late Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan. Syaikhona Kholil a teacher NU clerics since the first batch Hadratus cleric Shaykh As'ad Hasyim to Syamsul Arifin.
Kiai Pragalbo Th .... -1531. Father of:
Kiai Pratanu Panembahan Weak Duwur 1531-1592. Father of: Central Prince 1592-1621. Brother of Prince Mas 1621-1624
Tidjanie KH Ahmad Jauhari, Secretary Rabithah Al-Alam Al-Islami, Mecca is also Chairman of Al Amin Madura Boarding Schools
KH Alawie, chaplain of Sampang
KH. Bahaudin Mudhary, East Java MUI chairman, author of the book Dialogue Divinity of Jesus
KH. Badrie Masduki, NU leaders
Heroes of Madura
Abdul Halim Perdana Kusuma (born in Sampang, Madura, 18 November 1922)
 Prominent Officials of the Republic of Indonesia
Mahfud, MD, Prof. : Chairman of the Constitutional Court
Hadi Purnomo: Chairman of the Board Audit
Herman Widyananda, DR. SE., M.Sc.: Vice Chairman of the Board Audit
Official figures Kabibinet Minister of the Republic of Indonesia
Soemarno Sosroatmodjo for the period 1960 - 1964 and 1965 - 1966, the Minister of the Interior and the Governor of Jakarta:
Rachmat Saleh: Trade Minister
Wardiman Joyonegoro, Prof.DR.Ing. Minister of Education and Culture
R.Hartono, Interior Minister General
Djamaludin Suryohadikusumo, Minister of Forestry
Nur Mahmudi (MCC Chairman), the Minister of Forestry
Ministerial Leaders
Rahmat Saleh: Governor of Bank Indonesia
Majid: Chairman BPS RI
Soedjono Chanafiah Atmonegoro, SH: Attorney General
Figures as Governor
Moch.Noer: Governor of East Java
Soemarno Sosroatmodjo: Jakarta Governor
Prominent in the Military
R.HARTONO, Chief of Staff of the Army (Army Chief of Staff)
Muhammad Arifin, Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL)
Hanafie Asnan, Chief of Staff of the Air Force (KSAU)
Banurusman, Chief of Police (Chief National Police)
Roesman Hadi, KAPLRI
Arie Sadewo, Army Gen., Deputy BIN
Leaders in the World of Education and Research
Ichlasul Amal, Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada
R. Achmady, Rector of UB (Ichlasul sister Amal)
Afnan Troena, UB Rector
HR Soedarso Djojonegoro, Rector of the State University of Airlangga
M.Iksan Semaoen, Madura State University Rector Tronojoyo
Nurcholish Madjid, Cak Nur (father Bangkalan Madura), Chancellor and Founder Paramadina University
HM Rachimoellah, Professor at the Institute of Technology, November Surabaya:
Mien Ahmad Rifai, Professor of IPB, inventor of more than 100 New Plants) Expert Mr. Mushroom Indonesia (principal investigator)
Iwan Azis Djaya father Aziz, owner Surabaya Post
Iwan Jaya Azis, Professor and Director of the Graduate at Cornell University
Syairul Alim, Professor of Physics College of Gajah Mada
Riswandha Imaw, Professor of Political Science, University of Gajah Mada
Mochtar Mas'ud, Professor of Economics UGM
Educate Junaidi Rachbini, Prof.DR, an economist and politician PAN:
Faisal Ismail, Professor IAIN Yogyakarta and Ambassador in Kuwait
Latif Wiyata (CERIC Univ. Jember - Cultural Anthropologist Madura)
 Prominent Culture / Artists Madura
Abdul Hadi, WM
Kadarisman Sastrodiwiryo
D. Zawawi Imron (sickles Gold)
Sahid Kelana (father Handa Band The Big Kid, Imaniar brothers) Artist Trumpets Madura received his death
Adrian Pawitra, dictionary maker Madura to Indonesian and Indonesian to English Madura
Agus Hadi Sudjiwo / better known Sudiwo Tejo, (born in Jember, East Java, August 31, 1962 Descendants of Madura based personal recognition, many people in this area maduranya)
D Jamal Rahman, Chief Editor of Magazine Culture Horison

by Roostien Ilyas & Yusuf Rizal
Translated by

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